Need gift ideas? How about DCFM gift certificates!

Gift cer­tifi­cates are avail­able in incre­ments of $5.00. If you order gift cer­tifi­cates, they will be marked with an expi­ra­tion date of one year from the date of pur­chase. The marked expi­ra­tion date is impor­tant for inter­nal record-keep­ing pur­pos­es, but the gift cer­tifi­cates actu­al­ly expire 5 years after your orig­i­nal pur­chase. We are hap­py to adjust expi­ra­tion dates for cus­tomers, just vis­it our green Infor­ma­tion Booth and ask a staff mem­ber to ini­tial and adjust the date.

Online orders placed after 1pm on Decem­ber 23rd, 2024 will not be shipped until Jan­u­ary 2nd2025.

You may con­tact the Mar­ket Man­age­ment at (608) 4551999 or by email at info@​dcfm.​org if you have any questions.

Give the gift of the Dane Coun­ty Farm­ers’ Market!

Vis­it our Square Site to Purchase