Our mem­bers are what makes The Dane Coun­ty Farm­ers’ Mar­ket so spe­cial. We have approx­i­mate­ly 230 mem­bers, all of whom will vend dur­ing the out­door sea­son of the DCFM. On any giv­en Sat­ur­day, there are approx­i­mate­ly 150 – 170 ven­dors encir­cling the Capi­tol Square. Pho­tog­ra­phy fea­tured on many mem­ber pro­files was lov­ing­ly cap­tured at mar­ket by Ope Visu­als Company.


Meet some of our members

These are the hard-working farmers, growers and makers who bring Wisconsin goodness to the Dane County Farmers’ Market.


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