Cress Spring Bakery


Jeff Ford


Blue Mounds, WI

About Us

At Cress Spring Bak­ery we craft bread with the pure ingre­di­ents and ancient tech­niques that have been used through­out Europe for thou­sands of years. Fol­low­ing in this tra­di­tion, we use nat­ur­al leav­en­ing, a wood-fired brick oven, and our own hands and intel­lects to cre­ate nutri­tious, emi­nent­ly sat­is­fy­ing loaves.

Because peo­ple, as well as our nat­ur­al leav­en­ing, thrive when unhin­dered by pes­ti­cides or oth­er chem­i­cal residues, we use whole­some, organ­ic ingre­di­ents. We need only a few sim­ple ingre­di­ents, as nat­u­ral­ly leav­ened bread is deli­cious with­out the addi­tion of fats, dairy, or sweeteners.

Most of our breads con­sist sim­ply of whole grains, water, and salt. We use only pure, deep well water and unre­fined Celtic sea salt. Hand har­vest­ed from salt marsh­es off the coast of Brit­tany, this salt is a whole food con­tain­ing a bal­ance of many minerals. 

In addi­tion to our stan­dard breads, we also offer gra­nola and pas­tries, incor­po­rat­ing local­ly grown organ­ic pro­duce. By work­ing with local farm­ers we ensure that our ingre­di­ents are fresh and at the peak of their fla­vor and vital­i­ty. We con­sid­er our­selves part of a local food econ­o­my, and strive to buy ingre­di­ents direct­ly from farm­ers when­ev­er pos­si­ble, as close to home as possible.

About Our Products

Stop by the market to see our full selection of bread, granola, and pastries!

What We Offer

  • Bakery
  • Bread, gluten free
  • Bread, sourdough
  • Bread, whole grain
  • Granola
  • Muffins
  • Pastries
  • Scones

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