Sparrow Hill Farm


Josiah & Nettie Hertzler, Nettie Hertzler


Monroe, WI

About Us

Wel­come to the Spar­row Hill Farm. As a small fam­i­ly farm out­side of Mon­roe, Wis­con­sin, our mis­sion is sim­ple. Embrace life. Using sus­tain­able, regen­er­a­tive farm­ing prac­tices that are bet­ter for the envi­ron­ment, we raise hap­py, healthy ani­mals on healthy soil. Our ani­mals live in fresh air and sun­shine. And they for­age on our far­m’s lush pas­tures. As a result, they pro­duce meat with supe­ri­or fla­vor and nutri­tion com­pared to the food sold by most gro­cery stores.

We can’t wait for you to taste the difference.

About Our Products

We raise 100% grass-fed beef and lamb and rotationally pastured heritage pork.

What We Offer

  • Beef
  • Lamb
  • Pork

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