Domann's Plants LLC


Mary & Rachel Domann, Chris Lindeman


Beaver Dam, WI

About Us

For over 40 years, Domann’s Plants has pro­vid­ed qual­i­ty bed­ding plants to the south-cen­tral Wis­con­sin area through our out­lets at the Dane Coun­ty Farm­ers’ Mar­ket, Jef­fer­son Race­way, and Water­town Farm­ers’ Mar­ket. In 2021, we’re adding the West­side Com­mu­ni­ty Mar­ket to the list. We are a small fam­i­ly-run busi­ness offer­ing a large assort­ment of annu­al flow­ers and veg­eta­bles. Known as The Toma­to Peo­ple” by many cus­tomers, we spe­cial­ize in patio and oth­er toma­toes of all sizes.

About Our Products

We are known for our patio and “milk jug” tomatoes and offer a full range of other vegetables, including: tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, lettuces and other greens, cabbage products (broccoli, cauliflower, etc.), eggplant, and more. Herb plants include basil, cilantro, parsley, dill, lavender, sage, thyme, and spearmint (think, mojitos!). Our flower selection includes eye-catching, vigorous vegetative coleus, dahlias, petunias, lantana, and many other options perfect for beautiful flower pots, in-ground plantings and hanging baskets; flower bed staples such as pansies, violas, marigolds, and snapdragons; and a large, unique assortment of succulents.

What We Offer

  • Bedding plants
  • Herb plants
  • Plants