Lost Lake Acres Greenhouse


Richard & Laurette Salzman, Richard A. & Ethel B. Salzman


Fall River, WI

About Us

Lost Lake Acres Green­house, in Fall Riv­er, WI, is the area’s lead­ing green­house serv­ing Dodge, Colum­bia and Dane Coun­ties since 1992. We are known for our qual­i­ty prod­ucts and unique designs, such as hang­ing bas­kets, planters, pot­ted plants, veg­etable plants and more.

About Our Products

We Grow Proven Winner Plant Brands and a Large selection of 4 1/2 inch annuals. We are Known for our Quality Products and Unique Basket and Planter Designs. You are Buying Directly from the Grower.

What We Offer

  • Asparagus
  • Bedding plants
  • Herb plants
  • Perennial plants
  • Plants
  • Potted plants

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