Luck's Produce


Dan Luck, Lorrie Luck


Randolph, WI

About Us

Luck­’s Pro­duce is a Mom and Pop type busi­ness which has been pro­vid­ing our neigh­bor­hood with fresh farm pro­duce for more than four decades. Locat­ed on the North shore­line of Beaver Dam Lake, our four gen­er­a­tion fam­i­ly farm has been every­thing from a live­stock oper­a­tion to a grain busi­ness to a fresh pro­duce facil­i­ty. Lor­rie and I have been com­ing to the DCFM for about 25 yeas now and have loved meet­ing all of the mar­ket shop­pers while watch­ing fam­i­lies grow up, as they also watched our fam­i­ly grow up and move onto their adult lives. To this day it always warms my heart when a long time cus­tomer asks how are the kids doing?”

About Our Products

Although our produce operation now offers many products, Sweet Corn was our first and still number one in my book. I will admit that I may not be the largest sweet corn vendor at the square, I can guarantee that you will not find any vendor who is more concerned with putting the best corn possible into your hands. Farmers, as a whole use many items to determine the varieties that they plant, such as yield,seed cost or disease resistance, my number one priority is FLAVOR! If any corn does not meet my standards at the time of harvest, it will never be brought to market. That is a promise that I have lived by for many years, and continue to honor to this day. Enough said about the corn for now. As the sweet corn season moves along, other items begin to ripen. Muskmelons will be the next item to join my product line along with those delicious Yellow Doll Watermelons. Soon following the early melons will come later muskmelons and both seedless and those very hard to find long red seeded watermelons. Then fall comes which brings about my full line of fall decorative products including gourds, mini pumpkins, eating pumpkins, decorative and edible squash of all types and sizes. What a beautiful time of the year!

What We Offer

  • Cantaloupe/Musk Melon
  • Corn (sweet)
  • Cucumber
  • Melons
  • Onions
  • Ornamental gourds
  • Pears
  • Peas (snap / pods)
  • Peppers
  • Plums
  • Pumpkins
  • Squash (Winter)
  • Watermelon

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