Bushel & Peck's


Jackie Gennett


Beloit, WI

About Us

Mis­sion: We make and mar­ket arti­san, agri­cul­tur­al goods for those who seek high-qual­i­ty, envi­ron­men­tal­ly sound, hand­craft­ed prod­ucts. Our preser­va­tion kitchen, store and restau­rant sup­ports a local econ­o­my, com­mu­ni­ty and con­nects con­sumers direct­ly to farm­ers and crafts­men & women. Each good we pro­vide shares the sto­ry of its arti­sans, neigh­bors, trades­peo­ple, and friends. Bushel & Peck­’s and our affil­i­at­ed pro­duc­ers are experts in their fields who believe in the future of a hand craft­ed economy.

Mar­ket: Our flag­ship is locat­ed in Down­town Beloit, Wis­con­sin. Our retail space includes local cheese, milk, meats, beer, wine, snacks and spe­cial­ty gro­ceries. The mar­ket is filled with treats from our preser­va­tion kitchen. Our restau­rant serves meals made using local and organ­ic ingre­di­ents wher­ev­er pos­si­ble. The mar­ket and restau­rant are casu­al, friend­ly, warm­ing and a cen­tral part of the Beloit community.

Farm: Bushel & Peck’s cer­ti­fied organ­ic farm rais­es fruits, veg­eta­bles, herbs, eggs and chick­en to serve our preser­va­tion kitchen, restau­rant and select whole­sale cus­tomers. On occa­sion, we sell pro­duce at farm­ers mar­kets. We grow on five acres, pro­duce hay on six­ty acres and raise ani­mals on twen­ty acres of pasture. 

Preser­va­tion Kitchen: Locat­ed in the cen­ter of our flag­ship store is our preser­va­tion kitchen. From this kitchen we make pick­les, jams, sauces, rel­ish­es, soups and fer­ment­ed foods. The work in the preser­va­tion kitchen is done by hand. Each jar or bot­tle is hand­craft­ed to pro­vide the best tast­ing, clas­sic pre­served local foods.

What We Offer

  • Chicken Eggs
  • Fermented products
  • Garlic
  • Hot sauces
  • Jellies and jams
  • Pickled vegetables

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