Engel's Pure Maple Syrup


Ken, Sandy, Travis Engel


Owen, WI

About Us

For near­ly 40 years, the Engel fam­i­ly has cel­e­brat­ed the com­ing of spring by col­lect­ing and pro­cess­ing maple sap from over 4,500 trees on 90 acres of wood­land on our farm in Owen, WI

Our state-of-the-art oper­a­tion con­sists of miles of tub­ing that col­lects sap from each tree, a high capac­i­ty vac­u­um pump to draw sap even on the cold­est of spring days, and stain­less steel hold­ing tanks to ensure sap quality. 

Qual­i­ty sap makes Qual­i­ty syrup.

Our sap is processed through reverse-osmo­sis, remov­ing much of the water that would oth­er­wise have to be boiled away. This results in lighter syrup and ener­gy savings. 

The evap­o­ra­tor effi­cient­ly cooks our syrup. We do not use any arti­fi­cial sweet­en­ers, col­or­ings or chem­i­cals. Engel’s Sug­ar Bush is a Grade A Licensed, State and Fed­er­al­ly inspect­ed facility. 

Qual­i­ty syrup is PURE MAPLE SYRUP.

About Our Products

Our modern operation and farm-family standards produce a high quality product at an affordable price. We bottle most of our syrup in plastic to ensure our quality standards.

Sizes available for purchase include:

½ Pints
½ Gallons

Wholesale and/or Barrel sales for Bakeries, Breweries, Restaurants, Hotels, and B&B’s is also available.

What We Offer

  • Maple syrup