Valley Harvest LLC


Jim and Tonya Rockett


Baraboo, WI

About Us

Val­ley Har­vest is nes­tled in the beau­ti­ful bluffs of Bara­boo. We take pride in grow­ing unique vari­eties of seedlings and plant starts you prob­a­bly won’t find at a big box store. Since our plants are brought to you in Cow­Pots, which can con­ve­nient­ly be plant­ed direct­ly into your gar­den, your soil ben­e­fits from the cow manure these Amer­i­can made con­tain­ers are made of. Come see us in the Fall, too, as Sep­tem­ber brings fra­grant cas­cades of deli­cious Con­cord grapes wait­ing to be enjoyed for fresh eat­ing or turned into juice, jam, jel­ly, pie, or any oth­er dessert mas­ter­piece you cre­ate. Who can resist the time­less allure of these vin­tage delights?

What We Offer

  • Grapes
  • Herb plants
  • Peppers
  • Tomatoes

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