Son of a Beach Family Farm


Andrew + Lisa Beach


Monroe, WI

About Us

Beach Fam­i­ly Farm is a six gen­er­a­tion home­stead dat­ing back to 1901 in Mon­roe, WI.

Beach Fam­i­ly Farm rais­es an Angus beef herd and Her­itage Breed Hogs (Berk­shire and Duroc). The entire process from birth to fin­ish­ing takes place on the Fam­i­ly Farm. No arti­fi­cial steroids, hor­mones, or antibi­otics are giv­en to the cat­tle or hogs that are consumed. 

The farm believes and prac­tices val­ues such as sus­tain­abil­i­ty, regen­er­a­tive agri­cul­ture, and ani­mal hus­bandry. All while being run and owned by fam­i­ly members. 

Beach Fam­i­ly Farm has the rep­u­ta­tion in the area for pro­duc­ing great tast­ing beef and pork and mul­ti­ple Grand Cham­pi­ons in per­for­mance car­cass cat­tle. The entire fam­i­ly plays a role in the farm­ing process and takes great pride in rais­ing beef cat­tle and hogs from start to fin­ish so you know exact­ly where your food that you con­sume comes from and how it is raised.

About Our Products

Cattle are raised and grass fed in open pasture in summer, moved to corn stalks and fed hay in winter, and lastly finished on hay and corn silage in spring. Animals are then transported by Beach Family Farm to a local federally inspected meat-processing plant. Once there, animals are processed and dry-aged for 21 days, then packaged and frozen for delivery.

Hogs are raised in our open air barn and spend time out in the pasture during summer. They are fed a vegetarian diet and slowly and efficiently grown to create the more flavorful and juicier meat expected from Heritage Breed hogs. Animals are then transported by Beach Family Farm to a local federally inspected meat-processing plant. At the processing plant, animals are then processed, packaged, and frozen for delivery.

What We Offer

  • Beef
  • Jerky and snack sticks
  • Pork

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