Local Food Pick Up - Pilot Program

We are in the midst of unprecedented times and like so many businesses, the Dane County Farmers' Market is trying to rapidly adjust our business model. Typically, we like to boast that when you shop at the Market, you will experience 15-20 personal interactions. Now, as we all practice "social distancing", we are in the position of needing to figure out a model of business that instead promotes and maintains minimal levels of personal contact.

We know that you need food and we know that in order to stay afloat, our farmers need to continue to receive income.

Next week, on Tuesday (March 24, 2020) and Thursday (March 26, 2020), we will be piloting Local Food Pick Ups. These are not farmers' markets but they are a way for our customers to connect directly with our family farmers and small food businesses. Most of our vendors are offering bundles of products, designed to help you fill your refrigerator, freezer, and belly with local foods.



Here's how it works:

1. Check out which farmers are participating, what products they are offering, and how to connect with them. CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE LIST

2. Place orders directly with any (and all!) of the farmers from whom you would like to purchase products. Most will also arrange virtual payment. We will accept EBT payments. If you wish to pay with EBT, please place your pre-order and then the day of the Local Food Pick Up, we will complete the EBT transaction.

3. On either Tuesday or Thursday, between 4pm and 6pm, come to the parking lot of the Garver Feed Mill to pick up your products. Customers may not exit their vehicles. All products will be picked up via a drive-thru pick-up lane. Please contact the DCFM directly if you are unable to travel to Market via vehicle.

We have assigned pick-ups based upon the first letter of your last name.

A thru F = 4:00 - 4:30pm

G thru L = 4:30 - 5:00pm

M thru R = 5:00 - 5:30pm

S thru Z = 5:30 - 6:00pm

We will be maintaining very strict precautionary measures:

  • Cash transactions are prohibited
  • Vendors booths will be spaced at least 10 feet apart from each other
  • Only one customer may visit a vendor at a time
  • All customers must maintain proper social distances between other customers and DCFM vendors
  • All products will be pre-bagged
  • DCFM vendors will be taking extra precautions to disinfect all surfaces every 15 minutes.

We always strive to be transparent with our customers and we think that it is especially important at this time. You can view our operating procedures here.

We hope that you will join us. Stay safe, stay sane, stay well.